portfolio of Ferdy Pullens

National Military Museum, app

Among the work we did for the National Military Museum, we also created a special app. The app is focused on children between the ages of eight and twelve. Through playing different missions where you have to gather intelligence, decrypt secret messages, guide your troops and eventually confront your enemy, you discover the museum and it's surroundings. All of this under command of 'Kapitein Korthouwer'.

After taking a selfie you're enlisted in the special forces of the Dutch Armed Forces, the mission is ready to begin. Here your first contact with Kapitein Korthouwer is made, he calls you and sends you on your way to synchronise your radio frequencies, to make sure that all communication will go smoothly from there on. With the help of GPS and an integrated map of the museum, players are able to find their next missions. Some missions will stay locked until the previous mission is completed.

The app uses all of your military skills and the functionalities of your smartphone. The missions in the app are derived from the main tasks of the Armed Forces: gather intelligence, search & rescue and combat. In the app, players have to interact with physical interactives in the museum, talk to museum personnel to get passwords and search through the museum collection to get the right equipment. But also they have to find the perfect spot for friendly troops to land, and eventually place a counterattack to eliminate the unknown enemy and keep the airbase and museum safe.

If your mission is successful, your commander thanks you personally for your hard work. The cinematics for the teaser and the outro were produced by VLA Films under my art direction & storyboard. The app is available for iOS and Android phones.